Report – Month Totals by Dog Skill

Report – Month Totals by Skill

  • All Skill specific columns are the total hours ONLY where a dog was entered as participating in the activity. It does not include member only training.
  • OtherDog Hrs =  All other Hrs entered with a dog that are not under the other skills already listed as columns.
  • Op Hrs = Total hours entered as “Operational – Search Team”, “Operational – Search Support”, or “Travel – Operational”. This does not only include hours where dogs were deployed, it is total members hours with or without dogs being deployed operational.
  • People Train Hrs – includes internal and external member skill training e.g. First Aid
DateEntriesMembersDogsMember HrsDog HrsOp HrsHR HrsWater HrsAvalanche HrsAirScent HrsTrailing HrsObedience HrsMixSkill HrsPeopleTrain HrsPR HrsOtherDog HrsMember NamesDog Names
DateEntriesMembersDogsMember HrsDog HrsOp HrsHR HrsWater HrsAvalanche HrsAirScent HrsTrailing HrsObedience HrsMixSkill HrsPeopleTrain HrsPR HrsOtherDog HrsMember NamesDog Names