Report – Month Totals by Dog Skill (Member Only)

Report – Month Totals by Dog Skill (Member Only)

  • All Skill specific columns are the total hours ONLY where a dog was entered as participating in the activity. It does not include member only training.
  • Other Hrs =  All other Hrs entered with a dog that are not under the other skills i.e. “Obedience”, “Mix of Dog Skills”, “Other Training”.
  • Op Hrs = Total hours entered as “Operational – Search Team”, “Operational – Search Support”, or “Travel – Operational”. This does not means dogs were deployed.
DateEntriesDog NameDog HrsOp HrsHR/Water HrsAlpine HrsAirScent HrsTrailing HrsOther Hrs
DateEntriesDog NameDog HrsOp HrsHR/Water HrsAlpine HrsAirScent HrsTrailing HrsOther Hrs